PRIZORI KOT 'IZ PEKLA': Grozljive prakse v okolici ene najprometnejših turističnih znamenitosti (FOTO)


Milijoni psov, ki so okuženi s steklino, so v Kambodži ubiti v grozljivih pogojih. Nemočni psi so v neznosnem smradu zaprti v utesnjenih kletkah na obrobju prestolnice Phnom Penh. Čaka jih smrt z utopitvijo.

Kot je ugotovila dobrodelna organizacija, za ubijanje psov uporabljajo ogromne betonske kadi, da bi bilo njihovo meso mogoče prodati za hrano.

Znano je, da kamboški trgovci s pasjim mesom utopijo, zadavijo ali zabodejo na tisoče psov na dan. Smrtonosnim tveganjem, kot je npr. steklina, pa so izpostavljeni tudi delavci, poročajo lokalni mediji. Raziskovalci pravijo, da trgovina s pasjim mesom ogroža javno zdravje, ker po vsej državi prevažajo živali, okužene z steklino, ki se lahko prenese na ljudi.

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Over a million dogs with rabies drowned and eaten in Cambodia every year. Some people may find this content distressing. I recently returned from documenting Cambodia's dog meat industry with animal welfare organisation FOUR PAWS. Half a dozen dog meat restaurants operate within a three-mile radius of Angkor Wat, Cambodia’s most famous tourist attraction. In the capital city of Phnom Penh, there are more than 100 dog meat restaurants and growing. To supply the trade, dogs (many of which are people's pets) are rounded up on the street, packed into cages and then driven to slaughterhouses. Many die en route due to stress or dehydration. Here they are lowered into rancid 'drowning pits' until they die. Others are stabbed in the throat, hung in trees, and left to bleed out. It might take 20 minutes for a dog to die. The carcasses are then sent to restaurants where the animals are prepared and the meat is served up. Some believe that dog meat has medicinal properties, with doctors even prescribing it to patients. Studies have shown that around 50% of the 3 million dogs killed annually in Cambodia have rabies. “Although many of the traders and restaurant owners believe that the risk of rabies from dog meat is minimal, that isn’t always the case. There are numerous published reports of people dying after slaughtering, butchering, and consuming dog meat,” says vet Dr. Katherine Polak who has been working on the dog meat trade in Southeast Asia since 2013. Dog eating is a relatively recent phenomenon in Cambodia and isn’t traditionally part of Khmer culture. Although many are against the trade, it appears to be growing. At a time when we should be learning lessons about the consumption of 'exotic' animals, the industry not only poses a real public health threat, it also causes immeasurable suffering for millions of dogs. All copyright Aaron Gekoski #dogmeat #dogmeatfreeindonesia #dogs #dog #dogmeatindustry #rabies #wuhan #coronavirus #dogmeattrade #dogmeatfreeindonesia #cambodia #mansbestfriend #canine

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Dobrodelna organizacija Four Paws International je odkrila grozljivo prakso v Phnom Penhu, skrito blizu ene najprometnejših turističnih znamenitosti v državi. Po ocenah nevladne organizacije v Kambodži vsako leto zakoljejo med dva in tri milijone psov, ki končajo v več kot 100 restavracijah v glavnem mestu in okoli 20 v mestu templjev Siem Reap. Več kot pol ducata restavracij s pasjim mesom v provinci Siem Reap se nahaja v bližini templja Angkor Wat - najbolj znane turistične atrakcije Kambodže, ki jo vsako leto obišče na tisoče ljudi z vsega sveta.

Vznemirjujoče fotografije v Phnom Penhu je posnel britanski fotoreporter Aaron Gekoski, ki je prizore opisal kot "iz pekla".


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